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Upcoming Events



Following the last very successful "Carry-on-Coaching" day we have been asked to run another one in the autumn. Please contact us if you are interested or if you have topics we might discuss.

How we work

We approach what we do by assuming that for an individual you know how to do your job, for a team that you understand your project and for a board that you know how to run your company or organisation. People are recruited to jobs, teams and boards because they have the skills, drive and motivation. The problems that arise later are almost never due to the technicalities of the position but almost invariably due to personal relationships, communicanion and the conversations or lack of them that take place in the organisation. That is why it says at the top, "A conversation is the start of all possibility..." because the right conversations can tranform personal effectiveness and make an organisation successful.

So, we do not presume to tell you how to do your job or run your organisation and we don't have any models that we impose on you or your organisation. We have found that leaders know how to run their business, but they need to have the space and clarity of thinking to achieve this.

Whether it is in our one-to-one coaching, team development or board programmes we try to create the space, an area of calm, where leaders can focus on the real issues, consider their vision and develop their strategy.

We are a strongly values led organisation and as part of this approach, we set aside time and resources to enable leaders in the voluntary and educational sectors to benefit from our programmes and coaching.

We enjoy speaking to groups about leadership and coaching topics and will be happy to contribute to your events.

Contact us to discuss your requirements.

Walking with Leaders Ltd is registered in England and Wales, No.03858145  VAT registration no 790 4179 12   Registered Office, Office 2, Greswolde House, 197b Station Rd, Knowle. Solihull W Midlands B93 0PU

Copyright Walking with Leaders 2012