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Upcoming Events



Following the last very successful "Carry-on-Coaching" day we have been asked to run another one in the autumn. Please contact us if you are interested or if you have topics we might discuss.

Coaching Supervision

All executive coaches and managers who coach out of their management line need some form of quality control on their coaching, to ensure that their coaching meets the highest ethical standards, as well as being fit for purpose.

This process is called coaching supervision and can be done in small groups (group supervision) or on a one-to-one basis. The supervisor's role is to ensure

  • that the coach is coping appropriately with the personal pressures and interpersonal dynamics of their coaching relationships,
  • that they are managing boundaries and contracts appropriately
  • and that they continue to learn and develop as a coach.

Coaching supervision is essential for all freelance executive coaches, HR personnel and leaders who undertake coaching programmes.

We are qualified coaching supervisors accredited by The Bath Consultancy with experience of both one-to-one and group supervision work.


  • Personal supervision £200 +vat face to face, £150 + vat by telephone/skype for 90 minute session.
  • Group supervision - contact us to discuss your requirements

Walking with Leaders Ltd is registered in England and Wales, No.03858145  VAT registration no 790 4179 12   Registered Office, Office 2, Greswolde House, 197b Station Rd, Knowle. Solihull W Midlands B93 0PU

Copyright Walking with Leaders 2012