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Upcoming Events



Following the last very successful "Carry-on-Coaching" day we have been asked to run another one in the autumn. Please contact us if you are interested or if you have topics we might discuss.

One-to-one Executive Coaching

Margaret and Sheridan are qualified executive coaches, accredited by the University of Strathclyde, qualified coaching supervisors, accredited by the University of Bath and both have extensive experience of work in the public, private and voluntary sectors.

One-to-one Executive coaching is focussed on business performance improvement. By providing calm, focussed attention on your real work issues your coach will help you discover for yourself new options, choices and enthusiasm.

Leaders often just need someone to talk to; someone of the right calibre and experience, who can grasp the context of the work quickly, who is not involved and is non-judgemental. It would not be too much to say that many people find coaching sessions a liberating experience.

A typical series of coaching sessions would consist of 6-8 meetings over 6 - 12 months and are often, but by no means always, triggered by one event; perhaps taking on additional responsibilities, a new job or position, by more general organisational change, or by a particular problem. They may also be driven by a general desire to talk things over with someone.

A coaching conversation typically lasts for about 2 hours and covers whatever the coachee wants to talk about, and questions the coach may be prompted to ask. Topics may include working relationships, communication, technical issues, ethical issues and work-life balance, but conversations are usually wide ranging. Meetings take place as often as the coachee feels appropriate but typically every 1-2 months. The venue is usually a quiet location away from the work place. Occasionally the coachee may feel the need for the shorter telephone conversation and while these can normally be accommodated they are no substitute for face-to-face meetings. All the conversations are completely confidential.

We are also qualified to train executive coaches and run several programmes at different levels to enable busy executives to introduce a coaching culture into their organisation, as well as accredited qualifications for senior Directors, HR and coaching professionals.

We adhere to the European Mentoring and Coaching Council Code of Ethics.

Please contact us if you'd like to find out more.

Walking with Leaders Ltd is registered in England and Wales, No.03858145  VAT registration no 790 4179 12   Registered Office, Office 2, Greswolde House, 197b Station Rd, Knowle. Solihull W Midlands B93 0PU

Copyright Walking with Leaders 2012