Team Development
Upcoming Events
Following the last very successful "Carry-on-Coaching" day we have been asked to run another one in the autumn. Please contact us if you are interested or if you have topics we might discuss.
Leadership Development
All our leadership and personal development programmes are delivered in house and are designed to meet the specific needs of your organisation.
Everyone has the ability to lead - in a crisis we can find previously unsuspected skills suddenly emerging - but many lack confidence in their ability and some choose to remain in the background.
We can all develop our innate leadership ability. We can understand more clearly how we influence others and, if we decide they are necessary, we can gain new skills. This increased understanding and clarity increases our self-confidence, enables us to trust the team and delegate effectively - we achieve more while being less busy.
Leaders -
share a powerful vision of what could be
are the sort of people others trust
do what it takes to enable others to succeed
Many senior leaders bring their teams on tailor-made programmes, recognising that a shared vision, language and understanding adds enormously to the value of the experience and creates lasting benefit for the organisation.
All our programmes are created specifically for those attending. There are some features common to all such as understanding how you work, clarifying your business vision, intensive 1:1 coaching and the creation of an achievable strategy. The balance of the time is spent on special workshops devoted to those issues identified by participants in advance, such as team building, increasing commercial awareness or learning to relax and have fun.
Contact us to discuss how we can build a leadership development programme for you.
We had a really vibrant and productive day with you, and I'd like to thank you.
Senior director